War of the Gods / Perang Para Dewa
73% [RTP]
Bounty Showdown / Perang bonus
81% [RTP]
Punch King / Raja Tinju
98% [RTP]
Golden City 2 / Kota Emas 2
71% [RTP]
Golden Poker 2 / Poker Emas 2
79% [RTP]
Golden City / Kota Emas
68% [RTP]
Cosmetic Boxing / Kosmetik Tinju
72% [RTP]
Golden Poker / Poker Emas
82% [RTP]
STORM OF SETH / Badai Seth
96% [RTP]
Napoleon / Napoleon
92% [RTP]
Golden Slam / Golden Slam
84% [RTP]
Leap Volley / Lompat Voli
96% [RTP]
American Football / Sepak bola Amerika
87% [RTP]
Cricket Battle / Pertempuran Kriket
75% [RTP]
Gold Medalist 2024 / Medali Emas 2024
99% [RTP]
Power for Punch / Kekuatan untuk Pukulan
89% [RTP]
Basketball Fire / Bola Basket Api
93% [RTP]
Wealthy Minescape / Tambang Kekayaan
78% [RTP]
Star Chef King / Raja Chef Bintang
85% [RTP]
Three-card Match / Three-card Match
92% [RTP]
The  WEED  Party / Partai Ganja
77% [RTP]
Mahjong Hero / Pahlawan Mahjong
98% [RTP]
Face Off Opera / Sulap Seribu Wajah
66% [RTP]
Shopping Festival / Shopping Karnaval
59% [RTP]
Make A Toast / Berfoya-foya
81% [RTP]
Zoo Battle / Zoo Fight
78% [RTP]
Gem Party / Gem Party
91% [RTP]
Pong Pong Pong / Bang! Bang! Bang!
86% [RTP]
Jack and the Beanstalk / Jack dan Kacang Ajaib
73% [RTP]
Heavy Hitter / Pukul kuat
61% [RTP]
Fortune Send Blessing / Fortune Star
89% [RTP]
Beautify Boxing / Gimme Beauty Fist
82% [RTP]
Rich Chilli / Spicy Mexico
76% [RTP]
Fruit Tycoon / Buah Kekayaan
59% [RTP]
Flying Lion Dance / Master Barongsai
87% [RTP]
Club DJ / DJ Klub Malam
36% [RTP]
Pirate Treasures / Harta Karun Bajak Laut
91% [RTP]
World Cup / Piala Dunia
75% [RTP]